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In July 2014 the beta version of Logidok will be released after a successful testing process, in which Digital Natives was working with UXstudio, a Budapest based organization focusing on user experience design for mobile and web applications with agile methods.

The product, Logidok, with its mobile and web based elements is developed for digitally capturing, forwarding and storing traditionally paper based documents used in road transportation. Truck drivers, who are active in domestic and international transportation, will use Logidok’s free Android mobile application. The web-based platform of Logidok is designed for and will be introduced to professionals of transportation, forwarding, logistics and production companies.

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Testing process and methods of Logidok

The closed beta test of Logidok Android native mobile application and web solution was conducted with groups of two different type of test personas: B2B and B2C testers (industry professionals and truck drivers respectively), with approx. 25 test participants in three groups; two mobile and one web test group were organized.

Selected testers spent a couple of weeks testing the product and provided feedback on distinct aspects of product operation and /or user interfaces. Test participants helped assess current product quality and market readiness. 

The primary objective of both the mobile app and web system testing were to validate product’s general utility among the potential users. We also found it crucially important to validate if Logidok can provide what users need. We investigated in the topic of usability of the interfaces as well; their learnability, efficiency, errors and user satisfaction. The understanding of product benefits were also tested, by the way with a very good result; most of the testers found the product very beneficial.

A psychologist led the testing process; he monitored the process and could convince the testers to give immediate and therefore undistorted feedback on their user experience.Test scenarios were given to the drivers and the test sessions were audio-visually recorded. The psychologist questioned the testers on-the-fly to get immediate feedback on their user attitude and the possible bugs they find. 

The tests proved that the planned product will meet the expectations and will be a useful tool for the stakeholders of the logistics industry. It turned out that the product is generally utile and provides what users in this case need. The test with the different target groups helped through to refine the features and to purge out bugs. 

Professional background

Logidok was the first co-operation with UXstudio but was only the beginning of a strategic partnership. In this project the expertise and the approach of Zsombor Várnagy-Tóth, a highly skilled psychologist of human-machine interaction, were used to create effective and powerful methods for high-quality product testing.


Péter Lukács and Zsófia Balogh took part in the development process from Digital Natives’ side. Péter as a senior software engineer managed the project’s design, front-end, back-end and also mobile development. He took the role of the lead developer also; he was responsible for technological decisions, supervised the developer’s work and ensured the high quality of the increment. Beside that as tech consultant he supported the client in business and technological issues to make the best possible decision. Zsófia was involved as a software engineer and was working mostly on the web app. 


Címkék: design 2014 testing idcee UX Logidok

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