
The blog of the Budapest based Digital Natives covers the topics such as technological challenges we meet in our work, also our solutions and developments related mostly to Ruby on Rails and e. g. JavaScript. You can read about project management methodologies, which drive our workflow, such as agile or scrum. We don’t forget to report about our work and free-time related events and activities.



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Every single Friday in the morning DiNa developers are sitting together and raise issues related to multiple topics. From feature requests to bug fixing or code reviews, usually concerning a current project of DiNa, coding dojos or games in bigger groups. Sometimes developers prepare a presentation about a topic they find relevant to rehearse for a public presentation or meetup.

It is important for us to contribute the Ruby on Rails community; we suggest and discuss possible topics and content of presentations for the budapest.rb on the devmeetings (here’s a short summary about the last meetup we held at DiNa). We also try to contribute other open source communities by fixing bugs and developing third party library tools.

Last Friday we were wholly immersed in three stories by Code Hulk.

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Code Hulk is basically a web app that checks your coding awesomeness. It’s loosely based on the Space Hulk game, the Iron Sky film and some of our own internal exercises. It ruthlessly checks your programming skills.
In space. Versus space Nazis. We built it in around a week of non-full-time work. – says Mirek Wozniak

Spaceship. Rabbit. Evil.

In the tasks we followed the white rabbit, deciphered the last message of the wing leader and counted the number of Joules the “White Rabbit” spaceship may use to get to the Earth. 

We believe that it's a great tool to challenge our programming knowledge and to learn new things.

The next step would be for us to start developing an application together. If we manage it or proceed with any other issue, we’ll definitely let you know…

Címkék: dev open source meetup rails ruby rabbit workflow spaceship coding Friday dev meeting code hulk budapest.rb

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Getting back to implementation of ideas this post helps to understand the relation between workflow and product roadmap and the planning process of a product roadmap. 



Címkék: idea workflow implementation product roadmap UML

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The second part of the series, which follows the introduction after a quite long brake, about the role of the product owner in Scrum gives an insight  into "user story" format and Redmine. 

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Yesterday's budapest.rb meetup was hosted by DiNa. As you can see it was well attended and included three presentations on useful topics for Ruby developers. 




From our side Gusztáv Szikszai held a presentation about Ruby in the frontend world. It covered how to use Ruby through Opal in the client side, and also our open source library: Fron.

To go deeper in this topic check out Gusztáv’s earlier post and his presentation about it:



Miklós Beöthy, who presented the Bitbucket-Jenkins integration tool, which combines the advantageous features and eases the workflow of software engineers, followed him with his presentation.


A guest, Gábor Nagy, also held a small presentation about a competitor of Bitbucket (and Jenkins) called Gitlab (and Gitlab.CI).

We were happy to see already known and new faces and would like to thank you for joining us. Looking forward to seeing you next time at the DiNa base to exchange further  ideas!


Címkék: web meetup rails ruby frontend jenkins bitbucket

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In July 2014 the beta version of Logidok will be released after a successful testing process, in which Digital Natives was working with UXstudio, a Budapest based organization focusing on user experience design for mobile and web applications with agile methods.

The product, Logidok, with its mobile and web based elements is developed for digitally capturing, forwarding and storing traditionally paper based documents used in road transportation. Truck drivers, who are active in domestic and international transportation, will use Logidok’s free Android mobile application. The web-based platform of Logidok is designed for and will be introduced to professionals of transportation, forwarding, logistics and production companies.

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Testing process and methods of Logidok

The closed beta test of Logidok Android native mobile application and web solution was conducted with groups of two different type of test personas: B2B and B2C testers (industry professionals and truck drivers respectively), with approx. 25 test participants in three groups; two mobile and one web test group were organized.

Selected testers spent a couple of weeks testing the product and provided feedback on distinct aspects of product operation and /or user interfaces. Test participants helped assess current product quality and market readiness. 

The primary objective of both the mobile app and web system testing were to validate product’s general utility among the potential users. We also found it crucially important to validate if Logidok can provide what users need. We investigated in the topic of usability of the interfaces as well; their learnability, efficiency, errors and user satisfaction. The understanding of product benefits were also tested, by the way with a very good result; most of the testers found the product very beneficial.

A psychologist led the testing process; he monitored the process and could convince the testers to give immediate and therefore undistorted feedback on their user experience.Test scenarios were given to the drivers and the test sessions were audio-visually recorded. The psychologist questioned the testers on-the-fly to get immediate feedback on their user attitude and the possible bugs they find. 

The tests proved that the planned product will meet the expectations and will be a useful tool for the stakeholders of the logistics industry. It turned out that the product is generally utile and provides what users in this case need. The test with the different target groups helped through to refine the features and to purge out bugs. 

Professional background

Logidok was the first co-operation with UXstudio but was only the beginning of a strategic partnership. In this project the expertise and the approach of Zsombor Várnagy-Tóth, a highly skilled psychologist of human-machine interaction, were used to create effective and powerful methods for high-quality product testing.


Péter Lukács and Zsófia Balogh took part in the development process from Digital Natives’ side. Péter as a senior software engineer managed the project’s design, front-end, back-end and also mobile development. He took the role of the lead developer also; he was responsible for technological decisions, supervised the developer’s work and ensured the high quality of the increment. Beside that as tech consultant he supported the client in business and technological issues to make the best possible decision. Zsófia was involved as a software engineer and was working mostly on the web app. 


Címkék: design 2014 testing idcee UX Logidok

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Here at Digital Natives we are devoted to support the automated testing of our applications. Lately we write more and more complex business logics on front-end side therefore we need to test front-end side codes more accurately. I put together a presentation for our weekly developer meeting concerning this topic, where I reviewed the current possibilities, but I think that it might be interesting for other front-end programmers too. 

The code mentioned in the presentation is available on our Github page.

The list of the used technologies might be useful too: 

JavaScript test framework that can run in a browser and under Node.js as well. This gives the opportunity to run tests on the front-end and back-end sides (if the backend is a Node.js application).

An assertation extension I've chosen for Mocha.

Spy/Stub/Mock library for JavaScript. With fake HTTPrequests the browser's HTTP queries can be mocked.

JavaScript test runner that is able to run the tests in multiple browsers at the same time (even in phantomjs).

Module loader for JavaScript. You can use Node.js's require system in the browser.

Task runner via Node. Runs predefined tasks, in batch if needed. A really good tool to easily configure developer or deployed environments.

Schema validator. Can be used on both client and server side, to use the same model's code on the client and its corresponding server side without duplication.

Viktor Somodi

Címkék: dev javascript testing presentation frontend continuous integration dev meeting

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This post is created for those front-end developers who knows ruby and might want to try using it for front-end development.

JavaScript is a great language, I love it, I always have been, but it has it's problems:

  1. Not well designed - As many of you probably know the first version designed within a day that might be the main reason why is it not so understandable.
  2. No module system - This is the main problem with almost every major Library / Framework currently out there. As it seems this problem will persist in the future as well, as long as the new generation IE X will appears on the market - this would be the future version, which support JS modules.
  3. Gothas - I think this is pretty much covers all other aspects. These are the parts of the language what surely cause you headaches for a while without the proper understanding of how it works (scope, binding, prototype, etc..)

What I want

I'm going to describe some features what I would like to use in front-end world:

  1. The most important thing I want is to create Custom Elements just with JavaScript by extending native classes. So what this means is that you could extend the select element and create a new class that works and behaves like a select element but with a different tagname:
    class MySelect extends HTMLSelectElement {
    mySelectInstance = new MySelect
    // <my-select></my-select>
    This would be awesome, but using in real life seems impossible. Implementation would take ages even if there be a draft created by the W3C to speed up the process, the older versions still need to be supported. So in one expression: total nightmare.
  2. Manage dependencies the way it makes sense. Sprockets / Mincer provides this in the form of require keywords at the top of the file. Basically it will produce one file with dependencies loaded in order, also could minify code.
  3. Getters and Setters as default. Sure you can do this with JavaScript but there are no conventions that specify it's use, also you can't declare getters and setters for classes.

As I'm constantly thinking of these features I'm also looking for a solution for a long time. Finally, I found something, so keep reading if you still interested.


About a year ago I found Opal. This is a Ruby to JavaScript compiler, and because I learned Ruby and I love the language I felt like "Yeeey! This is Awesome!" . Then I tried it and realised it wasn't working properly. There were problems with scoping and language features, there was no require and stuff, it wasn't ready at all. When I checked the site again a few months later, I found the product in more matured shape with the functions what make it more useable and effective:

  • Ruby in the Browser
  • It has Sprockets support (Yey!), and it uses require statements (2. featured solved).
  • It has RSpec support, which makes unit testing a breeze.
  • You can load any third party gems easily.
  • Have most of Corelib and some of Stdlib.
  • Fits in with Ruby development on the back end via Rack.

How it is done?

Easy DOM

Opal has no DOM bindings, because it's just a compiler, but it is easy to wrap any Native JavaScript object to a variable and thus a class instance with the backticks evaulation:

class Node
  attr_reader :node

  def initialize(node)
    @node = node

  def appendChild(otherNode)

body = `document.body`

This snippet defines a Node class which sets the instance variable node to the argument what is passed on initialise. The last line will set the body variable an instance of the Node class with the `document.body` as the node. We would need to do this as a library, and then it we should have easy DOM bindings.

Ruby features

So what we did is that we wrapped a Native Node into a Ruby Class, cool right? Yes but we can take this further: we can use Ruby to define the `<<` operator that will append the given node the the current node.

def appendChild(otherNode)
alias :<<, :appendChild

 Well that was easy :). At the end what I love about Ruby, I can now use at the front end, some examples:

  • Can use question marked methods. `body.empty?`
  • attr_accessor, alias and such
  • DSLs
  • Module and Class inheritance
  • Getters and Setters
  • much more

Custom Components

Remember what the first feature was that I wanted? Custom Components.

Now with this wrapping system it's realtivly easy:

# We extend the Node class we created before
class Component < Node
  def initialize
    # we are not calling super but are getting the class name
    tagName ="::").pop
    # then we create the Native Node
    @node = `document.createElement(#{tagName})`

# now we can extend that class to create a custom element
class MyElement < Component
  # and define custom logic
  def select

# and when you create a MyElement
myEl =
body << myEl
# <body><myelement></myelement></body>

If we work on this some more we can add a DSL to this and create a Library / Framework / System that in the end create components with inherintence, thus solving my first feature.

Does it worth it?

The main question is that is this worth it in the end? Well here are some pros and cons.


  • You can use Ruby in the browser instead of JavaScript
  • You can manage your dependencies
  • You can use ruby only gems
  • There is a standard for building your code (Sprockets)
  • There is a standard for testing your code (RSpec, Cucumber)


  • Bigger File size because of the Runtime dependency (44kb gzipped)
  • Have to wrap external Libraries
  • Harder to find Ruby developers than JavaScript developers

I think it is worth it if you know Ruby, and it's absolutely worth it if you are a Rails developer, but it's up to you in the end. I'll definatly try to use this whenever I can.

What's next?

At the beginning of this article I have three concerns mentioned related to front-end development: Custom Components, Module System, Getters and Setters. All of these can be solved based on what I wrote.

The next step for me is to write a Gem that contains wrapper for the most commonly used front end classes: DOM, LocalStorage, Requests and Websockets, custom components and a basic MVC architecture.


I promised to write about the environment we created for the Rails Girls event. But first let me describe the problem.

Before the event we checked the installers provided by the official Rails Girls site. We had some major problems with those:

  • the Windows installer is quite unstable, we had tons of issues when we tried that out
  • we didn't want to overload the girls' machines, since we just hope that some of them will continue learning web development, but the others won't need those things any more
  • there are better ways to install an environment on Linux/Mac machines

The biggest problem is related to Windows, so my advice is: forget starting web (Ruby) development on a Windows machine. You have to put limitless effort to install all the tools you need, but using them is also a huge pain, and problems will always come up while doing your job. So either consider changing to Linux/Mac or at least virtualize your environment. The latter is exactly what we did at Rails Girls.

If you don't know anything about virtualization: a virtual machine (VM) is a software-based emulation of a computer. Imagine, that you're working on a Windows, and you can start another operational system in a window without any trouble: it can be another Windows instance or any kind of Unix/Linux distribution.

So we were at the point, where we thought it would worth to create a VM for the event. But downloading an Ubuntu, and installing / configuring it manually is a pain again. Vagrant can be a solution for that. Vagrant is a wrapper above virtualization providers (currently VirtualBox and VMWare is supported), with which you can create preinstalled VMs easily. Vagrant can be configured in Ruby, it has a really simple DSL. But the fun-part is not only Vagrant itself, but the way it handles packages. Vagrant supports Chef (and also Puppet), so all the cookbooks created for Chef can be used, and configured easily.

Please find the Vagrant box's configuration created for the event here and check out Vagrantfile. As you can see it installs git, rvm, mc and other tools after the box is created. We didn't need any other service, but you can find uncountable cookbooks for all types of 3rd party libraries, check out the site for the full list here.

We were ready with the VM, and we could use that on OS X and Linux without any issues because we could SSH into the new system. But the console what we get in Virtualbox is useless, it doesn't support your own keyboard layout, can't handle pasting, and so on. These problems don't appear when using SSH, but Windows doesn't have a builtin SSH client. Surely you can install Putty, or whatever is out there, but it's a pain, and it hardens the usage of the environment, and for the Rails Girls event we wanted one which is easy to use & install. So we had to figure out a way how our users could use the VM. We nearly gave up, but Guszti came in the office one morning, and told me the solution: Butterfly. It's an awesome tool written in python, which enables you to reach your computer's command line from your browser. So the idea was born: let's install Butterfly onto the Rails Girls VM. After the event I can say it worked like a charm, and without any issues.

So if you'd like to try out Ruby / Ruby on Rails development, but you don't want to install a lot of tools on your machine, I recommend using the VM we created. The Hungarian install documentation can be found here, and we also translated that to English for the official Rails Girls site.

If you have any issues/questions, don't hesitate to contact us, we gladly help if you are stuck!

Címkék: rails virtualbox vm vagrant railsgirls

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About a half year ago, a couple of days before november's budapest.rb meetup, we got an email to the meetup's list from some girls, what I can say happens really rarely :). They wanted to know if they can advertise an event, called RailsGirls, what we first heard about at a conference in Brno 2 years ago.

RailsGirls is an initiative, where girls without having any programming knowledge are taught basic programming skills, by implementing their own web application in Ruby on Rails. It's originated from Finland, and was founded by Linda Liukas and Karri Saarinen. The first event was held in November 2010 and by today it grew into an international event series.

The hungarian girls, namely Boglárka Weltz, Brigitta Vitályos and Mária Ackermann wanted to organize the first RailsGirls Budapest event, and were searching for supporters. We liked the idea a lot and after some meetings we agreed that DiNa will offer its help: we volunteered to be coaches on the event, our one-and-only female coder Zsófi, Lucas and myself tried to do our best, and helped the girls on the event. We also created a special development environment, with which the girls could start programming on their own machine easily (I'll write a more techie post about this environment in the near future).

We started to hold coach-meetings before the event, where we planned Saturday's agenda, and the final application's scope. We decided that since english-knowledge is still an issue within the hungarian community, we translate all necessary information and publish them in hungarian, so we created a tutorial page for the event.

We got up really excited on March 22nd, and our excitement grew when arriving to LOFFICE we saw 60 motivated girls reserving all available seats. It turned out, that 120 people attended before, so we hope that RailsGirls is going to be continued. DiNa was participating on the other side as well: I successfully convinced all the non-programmer girls in the office, that if they participate on RailsGirls, they will understand our geek-talk in the kitchen from that point, so Anita, Marietta and Rita were among the students as well! :)

We started the day with an introduction to web-development, where we tried to clean up the most important buzzwords around our profession.

We continued the day with, which is a great service containing an interactive ruby console, with which you can pick up some basic ruby programming skills in a funny way. But the time quickly came: the girls finally started to implement a full-stack application by their own. At the end, about 90% of the girls had a fully implemented, working application where they were able to create/edit/list/delete their ideas, protected with an advanced user management system, designed with the help of bootstrap. The majority of the girls were even able to deploy their application to Heroku despite having the usual problems with the WiFi connection.

We split the day with 2 motivation speech. I was focusing on 3 reasons, why you really should be a programmer.

We were really glad with the result and was really good to see how the initial desperation disappeared from the girls' face by the afternoon, and how they even started to customize their application to their needs! We really hope that it's going to be a series and we can continue supporting this very need: MORE GIRLS TO GEEKWORLD! :)


Címkék: rails képzés railsgirls

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Check out our latest Infogpraphic for details.

Címkék: english csapat 2012 befektető 2013 világhírnév

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In one of our recent projects, we had the opportunity to work with the LinkedIn People Search API. Using LinkedIn for signing in is becoming more and more popular these days, but in this project, the Client wanted us write an application which is able to perform people searches.

In this post, we want to share what we learned about the possibilities and limitations of the API for non-technical people that are or may be planning to use the API.

Címkék: ruby English API LinkedIn people search search API

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The Concept Document

When a client approaches us with only a general idea, we try to walk her through a process to help her elaborate the idea to the point where it is actually worth spending money on development. This is how it went, when two bright young MBA students decided to create a new solution for an existing problem they were facing in their everyday life.

nő cetlikkel.jpgActually, this is exactly how most products are born. Somebody encounters or sees a problem and realizes that the right solution does not yet exist. There might be other products or services but neither of them offer the exact solution they were looking for.

Címkék: english concept series 2013 implementation

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Can inflating balloons or folding paper hats really improve your development methodology?

Playing games is as old as mankind, and as civilization continues to develop and become more advanced, so do the games. In the past, people would play war games to improve their combat and strategizing skills, but nowadays we have agile software development methodology games! In this post, we will share our story of just one such game - XP game, which we recently played during one of our "Developers’ knowledge-sharing” occasions. 


Címkék: game agile agilis XP extreme programming

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When working on a Scrum project the success depends on the effective fulfillment of the role of Product Owner (PO). The Product Owner is typically the person in Scrum who is appointed by the Client to represent the project. 

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This post series is about the process of turning an idea into a business product as we do it here at Digital Natives. There are many cases when a team contacts us to sign an NDA because they have a great idea they want to develop into a working product. Although there are cases when the idea is really elaborated, specified (and even copyrighted), most of the time it is just an idea, a bunch of thoughts that sound interesting and might work if...

Címkék: design prototype startup english concept client series education scrum planning 2013 agilis UI product owner UX MVP

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I wrote a post a few weeks ago about our road to iCatapult and I promised that I would write again about our goals in iCatapult.

This Sunday morning I read an article about Eric Ries backing a Rails development firm that created a fund targeting startups. Long story short, after I read this I could not postpone writing this post anymore and now I want to share with you our problem-solving vision.

Címkék: kommunikáció english rails befektető ruby lean 2013 inkubáció icatapult

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We are proud to announce -- the new technology and business development accelerator, co-founded by Digital Natives and Primus Capital. The aim of this firm is to gather the best talents and product ideas and help them grow as fast as possible in the global market.


This is a big milestone in the life of Digital Natives, so in this blog post I would like to take a look back at the path that led us here, which was full of curves and blind alleys...

Címkék: english 2012 client scrum 2013 inkubáció mixgar idcee icatapult

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Screen Shot 2012-11-28 at 9.27.23.png

3 months ago we got good news: a Ruby related conference will be held in Brno between November 16-18. There are Ruby conferences overseas nearly every month, but conferences like RuPy with such famous speakers, close to Budapest are extremely rare.

Címkék: dev english rails ruby conference deployment rupy

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As you probably know it, here in Digital Natives, we are enthusiast of startups. We created products such as,, and we were mentioned on New York Times, TechCrunch and WIRED. Our products won prizes such as IDCEE 2011.

This is why we've launched our Startup Program. We want to support others' startup with our technology and product planning knowledge and experience. After developing the first successful startup for one of our client, we made the decision that we are opening for a wider market.

This Program is for entrepreneurs, who are missing tech / UI team. We offer professional teams able to develop an MVP product for web and mobile platforms from scratch, within 3 months. Thanks to the program, all of these services are available for a discounted price now.

Read more about our program, how to apply and spread the word!

Címkék: mobil wired startup english taxi 2012 rails mvp client mixgar idcee playertise

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Örömmel tudatjuk mindenkivel, hogy mind az App Store-ból mind a Google Play-ből letölthető a TaxiLike 2.0 verziója utasok és sofőrök számára, amivel közvetlenül tudtok taxit rendelni/megrendelést fogadni.

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What is our relation to Kevin Mitnick, one of the most famous, formal (ex)hacker? Why spanish kids want to swim in cacao? This is a short summary of our projects in the previous months, with other words this is what we do when we are not working on our startups.

Címkék: startup english project agency client ddb agilis David toptal kipuedu String Mitnick

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Eljött a várva várt beta teszt ideje, amikor végre Ti is elmondhatjátok, hogy szerintetek is ilyen egy egyszerű online taxirendelés, vagy még sokat kell dolgoznunk rajta.

Mivel találkozhattok az új verzióban?

Címkék: teszt taxi befektető

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Nagyobb lélegzetvételű – kicsit több, mint két éves – inkubáció van mögöttünk, és eredménye a Playertise videóhirdetési szolgáltatás nemrégen debütált!

A fejlesztés alapötletét a Dina által korábban indított mindroom szolgáltatás adta. A a becsatornázott oldalak híradóinak és hírműsorainak tartalmát gépi beszédfelismerővel dolgozzuk fel. Lehetőség van a videók lejátszására, a keresett szó vagy kifejezés elhangzásának időpontjától.

Címkék: hirdetés videó beszédfelismerés playertise

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Irodánk legkihasználtabb rekreációs eszköze a csocsóasztal. Rekreációnak mondjuk nem is nevezném, vérre menő meccsek mennek délután az asztalnál. :)

Az irodában használt szabályzat:

  • a csocsóasztalt reggel 9 előtt és 5 után lehet használni
  • pörgetni nem szabad, a pörgetésből rúgott gólt az ellenfél írja jóvá magának
  • bedobás után nem lehet rálőni azonnal, egyet passzolni kell
  • 6-os meccseket játszunk, oda-vissza alapon. döntetlen esetén döntő van, ahol kettővel kell nyerni
  • 6-0 esetén a meccset tovább kell játszani addig, amíg vagy a vesztes csapat gólt szerez, vagy a győztes csapat 10 gólt rúg. Utóbbi esetben a vesztes csapatnak át kell másznia az asztal alatt

Mondanom sem kell, hogy a legutolsó pontért küzd mindenki (ki a mászatás ellen, ki mások mászatásáért). Lelkesen rögzítjük ezeket a ritka pillanatokat videóra, íme egy kis összeállítás az utóbbi idő mászásairól (bocsi srácok). Ha úgy érzed szívesen másznál, vagy mászatnál, akkor nézd meg az álláshirdetéseket:

Címkék: csocsó csapat

3 komment

Heti 3 alkalommal van nálunk fejlesztői megbeszélés. Ezek ritkán hosszabbak, mint fél óra és ilyenkor vagy ún. Coding Dojo-t tartunk, ahol 1-1 egyszerűbb feladatot kell időre lekódolni párban, vagy valaki előadással készül valamilyen minket is érintő technológiai témában.

Címkék: dev dojo képzés ruby

1 komment

süti beállítások módosítása